Who we are
The Canberra Mathematical Association - together in building a strong community of teachers driving a rich and diverse experience of mathematics in the ACT and surrounding region.
CMA 2025 Membership
Membership is now open for the 2025 calendar year.
Enjoy 12 months as part of your local Mathematical association.
Are you...
... a beginning teacher? An experienced teacher? Somewhere in-between?
...teaching mathematics - at any level (F-12)?
...an out-of-field teacher of mathematics?
...juggling the uncertainties and challenges of face-to-face teaching and on-line teaching as we begin the new school year?
...concerned about those challenging students?
...keen to make connections with other teachers?
...wondering how to learn more about best practice?
...seeking supportive and innovative professional learning opportunities?
...wondering about the best resources to use?
Then welcome to the CMA!

Australian Association of
Maths Teachers
Membership to the CMA is an annual calendar year subscription.
It comes with many benefits, including affiliated membership with AAMT and included in the annual price is 1 of 2 exceptional mathematical journals

Commitment Statement from the Mathematics Associations of Australia
Our responsibility is to drive a cultural shift to make a systematic difference in mathematics education for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners. We commit to:
Truth-telling which recognises the past and builds capacity for the future.
Building relationships by listening to and learning from and with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities.
Creating sustainable partnerships based on trust and respect.
Leading and supporting culturally responsive practices.
Advocating for a shared understanding of success.
In doing so, we agree to be unwavering and accountable in actioning this commitment to achieve positive outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners.
This commitment statement has been signed by representatives of all state mathematical associations in Australia. ​​