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CMTQ - Canberra Maths Talent Quest​


Get thinking about what your class will do for the CMTQ this year. Students can enter individually, as a small group or as a whole class.

Entries due Wednesday 14 August

Saturday Workshop

Differentiation: what might it look like in your classroom? Bruce Ferrington

Writing in mathematics: bringing literacy and numeracy together to tell stories. Valerie Barker

These two workshops will cater to all teachers from K-10.

Morning tea will be provided.

Saturday 17th August 9.00am – 12.00noon

 Namadgi School

Who we are


The Canberra Mathematical Association - together in building a strong community of teachers driving a rich and diverse experience of mathematics in the ACT and surrounding region.

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The CMA is a proud member and supporter of ATSIMA - the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance.

2024 CMA Conference resources now available here


Are you...

... a beginning teacher?  An experienced teacher? Somewhere in-between?
...teaching mathematics - at any level (F-12)? out-of-field teacher of mathematics?
...juggling the uncertainties and challenges of face-to-face teaching and on-line teaching as we begin the new school year?
...concerned about those challenging students?
...keen to make connections with other teachers?
...wondering how to learn more about best practice?
...seeking supportive and innovative professional learning opportunities?
...wondering about the best resources to use?


Then welcome to the CMA!


Australian Association of

Maths Teachers

Membership to the CMA is an annual calendar year subscription.
It comes with many benefits, including affiliated membership with  AAMT and included in the annual price is 1 of 2 exceptional mathematical journals

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